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Age Calculator - How Old I Am?

4.4 ( 1984 ratings )
Zábava Nástroje
Vývojář: Anibal Ventura

Calculate your exact age in years, months and days from date of birth.

• Forget about the mental calculation of how old you are! This Age Calculator helps in calculating the exact Age. All you have to do is enter the accurate date of birth and the result will show the exact age and next birthday. There is special section in the result category which will show the exact seconds, minutes, hours, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years you have lived till now. Also you can see what your zodiac sign is.

• This easy Age Calculator app also enables you to share your exact age, next birthday, time you have lived and zodiac sign to your friends, families, colleagues through any app you want!

• Save your favorite dates and watch them at any time.

• Support for dark mode!